The new current transformers from MAGNETEC, featuring NANOPERM® alloy core for high-precision readings plus improved tamper-proofing, can be combined with MAGNETEC’s magnetic shielding designs to form an ideal system solution for a broad range of anti tampering metering applications. The combined advanced features of both current transformer and adapted magnetic shielding offer a so far unique anti tampering performance for the smart metering global market.
The tampering issue seems to have gained more and more interest in many regions of the world. Former IEC standard 1036 which is now 62053-21 required 0.5 mT. For this test condition it was experienced that it should be not so serious with the types of cores used. They are proven to have a very low sensitivity against external magnetic fields. One has to approach the magnet to a distance less than 3 mm to the winding to influence the output signal where the direction of magnetization radial to the core is the most critical.
The new combination of current transformer including magnetic shielding provides an excellent new opportunity to supply complete solutions with high quality to the global market for smart energy meters. The new current transformer series, especially for 60 A and 100 A metering devices in particular can now compete on a cost basis with all other widespread transducer systems such as Hall-effect transformers, Rogowski systems or shunts.